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Project Day 

Our SRM Institute arranged Project Day on 16.06.2022 and 17.06.2022 in our campus. Students are actively participated and displayed the working models

Yoga Day

organised webinar on 22.6.2022 as a part of International Yoga Day 

celebration Dr.Leena Devi Sudhakar BPT,,PhD,,(yoga therapy), a certified yoga teacher in shivadharsan yoga 

Vidyalaya,was invited as chief guest. The webinar was felicitated by Dr.Manikumar PhD, Dean of Physiotherapy 

About 250 students from MHS attended virtuallyDR.Leena Devi Sudhakar speech addressed on beneficial effects 

of practising daily yoga and its positive impact on mental health of students. 

We also practised various breathing techniques in yoga. The session provides an 

insight in our physical and mental health.

Rally write

On 8th September 2022 for the occasion of World Physiotherapy Day SRM College of Physiotherapy conducted awareness rally about Osteoarthritis. The rally started from Chathiram bus stand Trichy to Anna statue.

Dean of constituents college from SRM campus , Faculty and 150 students from SRM physiotherapy college participated in the rally and holding placards and banner to create awareness on Osteoarthritis.

The rally was flagged off by the chief guest Tmt.R.Abirami,B.Tech District Revenue officer and Additional magistrate, Tiruchirappalli.

Director of SRM Trichy Campus

 Dr.N. Malmurugan and Deputy Director Dr.N.Balasubramiyan were felicitated the program.Dr.M.Manikumar, Dean SRM College of Physiotherapy delivered vote of thanks

CME program

Trichy SRM College of Physiotherapy Organized workshop on 12.12.22 about Respiratory Dysfunction and Back Pain By, Dr. Vikram Mohan Ph.D., Bournemouth University, UK,was invited as guest speaker. He addressed the insight knowledge in the Topic. The session was enlightened the student community and improve their interest towards Cardio Respiratory and Musculo skeletal physiotherapy

Cerebral palsy

On the occasion of Cerebral palsy Awareness month Trichy SRM college of physiotherapy organised poster presentation on students from I st year BPT divided into 10 teams participated in poster presentation.

The event was focussed on raising Awareness about Cerebral palsy, Neurological disorders appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movements. Theme of this event is knowledge and compassion create a better world.

Dr. Praveen, Assistant professor , Department of Anatomy, Trichy SRM Medical college Hospital and Research Centre, Mr. Durgasankar, Assistant professor-BOT,

Ms.Thamarai selvi,Tutor- AHS judged the event.

Dr.M.Manikumar, Dean, physiotherapy & Dr.A.Sundararajan, VP- AHS also took part in the event and made the occasion successful.

Project Day

SRM Groups of institution, Tiruchirappalli campus conducted Project expo on 27.4.23 and 28.4.23. Around 123 students from college of physiotherapy SRMIST participated in the project expo. 10 working Models are prepared and displayed by the students. The Theme of the models are focused on creating physiotherapy awareness about health-related issues. Students from various schools across Trichy district are participated enthusiastically in the project expo. All the models displayed are judged by panel of evaluator includes external expert. 

Webinar on Ethics and physiotherapy management

SRMIST College of physiotherapy Tiruchirappalli campus organized Webinar on Ethics and physiotherapy management. The Webinar was conducted on 13.5.23 at Multipurpose Hall, SRM Medical college between 10am to 12pm.Students from 2nd year BPT attended the webinar session. Dr.M. Manikumar Dean College of physiotherapy Welcomed the Speaker. Speaker of the session was Dr.M. Selvam M.P.T(orthopaedics) In charge physiotherapist, CGHS Medical centre, Parliament House Annex, New Delhi. The objective of the webinar was to provide an insight knowledge about Ethics in physiotherapy management. The session addressed the Ethical values to be practiced in physiotherapy. Students actively interacted in the session. 

physiotherapy day

The Management, Dean, Faculty and Students of SRM College of Physiotherapy feels immense pleasure in successfully conducting the screening camp on account of World Physiotherapy Day on September 8,2023 at Ramco Cements, Ariyalur. The camp was honoured by Dr. Ashok, AGM and Mr. Karunakaran, DGM., HR and Team of Ramco cements. About 50 employees attended the camp and was given appropriate care and advices to enhance their well-being.

The faculty and students were complimented with plant saplings as an inspiration for healthy living.

stroke Day

SRM College of Physiotherapy feels immense pleasure in celebrating the World Stroke Day-23 by conducting poster presentation for BPT V semester students on November 01,2023 at Lecture Hall 2, Medical College Block. The event was honoured by Dr.D.Suresh, Dean (College of Occupational Therapy) and he also judged the poster presentations which was based on Types of Stroke, Early detection, Prevention and Physiotherapy Management of Stroke.

World Diabetic Day

SRM College of Physiotherapy along with Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital and Research centre feels elated in celebrating the World Diabetic Day-23 by creating awareness program on the theme, KNOW YOUR RISK, KNOW YOUR RESPONSE on 14.11.2023 at the Hospital lobby. The event was honoured by Dr. Revwathy (Dean of Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital and Research centre),Dr.Balasubramanian (Deputy Director of TRMCHRC) and Dr. Sivakumar (HOD of General Medicine).

The students of BPT III semester under the guidance of Dr.D. Suresh (Dean of Occupational Therapy) and the faculty members of College of Physiotherapy actively participated and demonstrated exercise protocols to create an insight about the Role of Physiotherapy in Prevention and Management of Diabetes Mellitus to benefit the patients.

World Disability Day

On the occasion of World Disability Day 2023, We conducted Drawing Competition, Quiz Competition and Paper presentation for the BPT and BOT students. 70 students actively participated in the competition and won many prizes.

The winners and runners are felicitated with certificate by our Dean D. Suresh Ph.D., College of Occupational Therapy. 

Spastic Society

A camp was organised at the Spastic Society in Musiri on account of World Disability Day 2023 for the BPT and BOT students. 2 Physicians along with 5 faculties from Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy and 10 students conducted detailed assessment and planned treatment protocol for 30 cerebral palsy children.

Various techniques like passive movement,Mat activity,stretching exercises, strengthening exercises Swiss ball activities, gait training and parent education were given for the well being of the children. Orthotic assessment was done and POP moulds were created for the cerebral palsy children to improve their quality of life and to encourage the activities of daily living independently.

This platform not only benefited the children but also enhances hands on learning for the students and improvises their clinical practice. 

National Physiotherapy Conference

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, College of Physiotherapy Tiruchirappalli campus had successfully conducted The 1st National Physiotherapy Conference held at SRM Auditorium on 2.03.2024. The Conference was Inagurated by our beloved Chairman Dr.Shivakumar and Co-Chairman.S.Niranjan.

The Event Felicitate by Prof.N.Sethuraman Chief Director,Dr.N.Malmurugan Director,Dr.N.Balasubramaniyan Deputy Director, and Dr.S.Revwathy. Dr.M.Hamsraj was a Chief guest for occasion and he was honored by Dr.V.P.R.Sivakumar Assistant Diector ,FMHS/Dean College of Physiotherapy.

The Faculty from College of Physiotherapy and BPT 3rd students organised the conference.More than 450 participants actively participated from various colleges.