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Christmas Day

Our SRM college of Physiotherapy organized Christmas Day celebration on 16.12.2022 at Multipurpose Hall between 10.00am to 12.00 pm. Students from 1
st year and 2nd year BPT participated in the function.

 Dean college of physiotherapy Dr.M. Manikumar., felicitated the function. The VP of AHS Dr.A.Sudarararajan and other co faculties from various department from MHS are invited for the function. Students showed their individual talents of various events. 

Womens Day

On behalf of SRM College of Physiotherapy Trichy campus, organised Events for students. SRM College Physiotherapy arranged following events Hair Do, Mehandi, Fire less Cooking,Bridal Make up.All the girls Students from 1st and 2nd year participated enthusiastically and showed their talents.we arranged special panel for judging and made the celebration very cheerful.Prizes and mementos distributed on International Women's Day function held in SRM Auditorium on March 8th .

Hair-Do  (1.03.23 )


To commemorate the arrival of the Great King Mahabali, the College of Physiotherapy at the SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli campus organised an "Onam Festival" on August 29, 2023, at the SRM Auditorium. The Events was honoured by the chief guest Dr. Suresh, Dean Occupational therapy.

Christmas Day

Our SRM college of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy organized Christmas Day celebration on 14.12.2023 at Multipurpose Hall between 2.00pm to 4.00 pm. Students from BPT& BOT participated in the function.

 Dean college of Occupational Therapy Dr.D.Suresh., felicitated the function. The VP of AHS Dr.A.Sudarararajan and other co faculties from various department from MHS are invited for the function. Students showed their individual talents of various events. 

Womens day

SRM institute of science and Technology,college of physiotherapy organised women's Day celebration on 6.3.24

The following events are conducted to the students Cooking without fire,Rangoli,Mehandi.

90 students actively participated and prizes will distribute on women’s day 8.3.24.