“Week of Millets” was successfully organized at our Institute of Hotel Management, Tiruchirappalli from 06th November 2023 to 10th November 2023.
This event is a part of our “International Millet Year 2023” celebration. Our staff and students have arranged presentation tables at our model restaurant to display the varieties of Millet Dishes from various cuisines.
Participants from our institution, other SRM group of institutions, Schools & Colleges from various places have visited the campus for the display of millets.
Around 250 varieties of millet dishes were displayed for the presentation. Jury Members from various institutions like Chefs, Doctor, Nutrition Specialist and Hotel Management professors closely evaluated the student’s preparations and selected the final prize winners of this contest. In the valedictory function, our Head of the Department, Mr. Prince Antony J greeted the gathering with a welcome address on behalf of the institution.
Our honorable Director Dr. N Malmurugan explained the importance of healthy eating habits and the benefit of millet in our regular diet. Dr. R. Ramesh Babu, District Designated Officer, Department of Food Safety, Tiruchirappali and Dr. P. Suresh Kumar, Principal Scientist, National Research Centre for Banana,
Tiruchirappalli have consented to be our special guests and interacted with the students. Winners were appreciated on the stage with prizes and certificates.
Our assistant professor, Mr. S. Vijaya Ganesh gave a vote of thanks to everyone.