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Guest Lecture

  • Facilities

Title: Industrial Guest Lecture on Introduction to MRI Shielding Solutions 

Resource Person: Mr. Satheesh Kumar, CEO, NuMed Systems Private Limited, Chennai

Date: 06.12.2024

Mode: Offline (IST609)

Participants: I year B.Tech. Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering Students

International Guest Lecture on Bridging the Gap: Electrical Engineering Education and Industry Expectations

Resource Person: Dr. Umashankar Subramaniam, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia

Date: 13.11.2024 

Mode: Online

Participants: I year B.Tech. Students and Faculties of SRMIST

Industrial Guest Lecture on  Low Power Wireless Technologies for Industrial Applications 

Resource Person: Mrs. Mitali Gupta, Asst. Manager (R&D), Indian Telephone Industries Limited, Bangalore

Date: 09.10.2024

Mode: Offline (IST301)

Participants: II and III Year students of SRMIST

International Guest Lecture on Recent Advancements in Modern Wireless Communications 

Resource Person: Prof. Dush Nalin K. Jayakody, Professor, Lusófona University, Portugal

Date: 09.10.2024

Mode: Offline (IST301)

Participants: II and III Year students of SRMIST

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  • Industrial Connectivity
  • MoU