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Faculty Development Program

S.No FDP Title Date Faculty Co-ordinators Resource Persons Number of Participants
1 Faculty Development Programme on "Intellectual Property Rights" 08/05/2023 - 13/05/2023 Dr. R. Balasundaram, Dr. M. Sridharan, Dr. G. Girish, Dr. S. Senthil Kumar Mr. Manivasakam Ramaswamy, Patent Examiner, Indian Patent Office, Chennai.
Dr. P. Dhamodharan, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Yeungnam University, Korea.
Dr. P. Aravind, Assistant Professor, Mattu University, Ethiopia.
Dr. Mathivanan Dakshinamoorthi, Mechanical Engineer & IP Practitioner, Chennai.
Dr. S. Renold Elsen, Associate Professor, VIT, Vellore.
Dr. T. Vinoth, Assistant Professor, SRM IST, Ramapuram Campus.
Dr. N. Malmurugan, Director, SRM Group of Institutions, Tiruchirappalli Campus.
Dr. R. Krishnamoorthy, Dean (Research & Academics), SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli Campus.
Dr. R. Balasundaram, Associate Dean, SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli Campus.
2 Faculty Development Programme on "Research Tools Techniques and Methodology" 11/03/2024 - 16/03/2024 Dr. R. Balasundaram, Dr. G. Girish Dr. M. Sridhar, Assistant Professor, Mechanical, SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli.
Dr. R. Balaji Ganesh, Assistant Professor, CSE-AIML, SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli.
Dr. G. Girish, Assistant Professor, Mechanical, SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli.
Dr. K. Jayanthi, Assistant Professor, CSE, SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli.
Dr. B. Neppolian, Dean (Research), SRM IST, Kattankulathur, Chennai.
Dr. N. Malmurugan, Director, SRM Group of Institutions, Tiruchirappalli Campus.
Dr. R. Krishnamoorthy, Dean (Research & Academics), SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli Campus.
Dr. R. Balasundaram, Associate Dean, SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli Campus.
Mr. Balaji, IP - Attorney, R.K. Dewan & Co., Mumbai.

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