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Dr. P. Selvarani, Hyper Wiener Index of Certain Graphs by Computational Programs, PMTIA – 2022, International virtual Conference on, Progress in Mathematics towards Industrial Applications, SRMIST, Ramapuram, October 28 & 29, 2022, ISBN : 978-81-957695-3-7.
A. Arivazhagan, Inverse source problem for a seventh-order Korteweg–de Vries equation, 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, held in Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, August 20 – 25, 2023.
Dr.P.Selvarani, A solution of Fuzzy assignment problem using standard ratio mean method, International conference on Advances in pure and applied mathematics (ICAPAM-2023), Ganpat University.
Dr. S. Vasantha Gowri, Presented a paper entitled “Existence of A Null Vertex in Fuzzy Domination Graphs” in the International Conference on Progress in Mathematics Onwards Industrial Applications, held at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram on 18th and 19th October 2024.
Agnes Shifani, Antony Mary A, M.I. Mary Metilda, G. Vinoth Rajkumar, Muppudathi Sutha S, S. Maheshwari (2024), “ A Novel Machine Learning strategy for Anamoly Identification Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network UsingSupervised Training Principles at the 5th International conference on Electronic and Sustainable Communication System (ICESC) conducted by Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, during 7-9 August 2024.
S. Agnes Shifani; G. Vinoth Rajkumar; Muppudathi Sutha S; S. Maheshwari; A. Antony Mary, M.I. Mary Metilda (2024), “MANET: A Secured and Logical Routing Protocol Development over Mobile AdHoc Networks for Intelligent Data Communication” at the 5th International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) conducted by Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, during 7-9 August,2024.
S. Agnes Shifani; M.I. Mary Metilda; G. Vinoth Rajkumar; S Muppudathi Sutha; S. Maheshwari; A. Antony Mary (2024), “Experimental Evaluation of a Secured Privacy Preservation Scheme using IP Traceback Logic in Wireless Sensor Networks” at the 5th International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC) conducted by Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, during 18-20 September,2024
Dr.R.Elayaraja, Presented a paper titled “Complete, bipartite, spanning, path, forest, trees, domination and energy of a complex Neutrosophic Graph”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Science organized by Kings College of Engineering, Thanjavur, 02.03.2024-03.03.2024
A. Antony Mary (2024), “ A Logical Performance Evaluation Methodology Based on Bandwidth Estimation Strategy to Minimize Communication Delay over Wireless Sensor Networks”, at 4th ASIAN Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON) during 23rd and 25th August, 2024.
A. Antony Mary (2024), “A Robust and Energy Efficient Oppurtunistic Routing Protocol Design Over Wireless Sensor Network to Enhance Communication Performance”, at 2nd Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications (GCITC) during 25th and 26th October, 2024.
Dr.R.Suresh, Presented a paper titled “Complete, bipartite, spanning, path, forest, trees, domination and energy of a complex Neutrosophic Graph”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Science organized by Kings College of Engineering, Thanjavur, 02.03.2024-03.03.2024
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SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
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