Admissions open for 2025 Apply Now
S.No | Date | Faculty Coordinator | Title | Resource Persons | Department |
1 | 04.11.2024 - 09.11.2024 | Dr.S.Kamalesu & Dr.T.Arun | A one-week online FDP program on "Advanced Materials for Energy, Environmental and Biological Applications" |
Chemistry |
2 | 15.10.2024 | Dr.P.Selvarani | Role of Quantitative Analysis in the Era of Industry 4.0 Challenges and Opportunities | Mr. D. Eregamani, Founder & Director, MAPLE Tech. Solutions, UAE | Mathematics |
3 | 27.09.2024 | Dr.Ujwala O.B. | SDGS-LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND | Mr. V. Shankar Naik, BHEL, Trichy | Chemistry |
4 | 05.09.2024 | Dr.S.Kamalesu | I WISH I HAD KNOWN THESE WHEN I WAS A STUDENT | Mr. Sakthi Prakash Kodhandapani, Robert Bosch, USA | Chemistry |
5 | 26.08.2023 | Dr. R. Subramanian & Dr. T. Arun | One Day Hands-on Training Program on Computational Methods in Chemistry | Internal Resource Persons, SRM-IST, Tiruchirappalli | Chemistry |
6 | 08.05.2023 | Dr. A. Arun Kumar | Invited Talk on “Career aspects in armed forces” | Lt.Col.Arunkumar, Commanding Officer, Indian Army | Physics |
7 | 20.03.2023 | Dr. M. Sivaji, Dr. C. Arun Kumar, Dr.S.Vasantha Gowri | Applications of Mathematics in Engineering | Dr.T.N.Janakiraman, Professor, NIT, Trichy | Mathematics |
8 | 11.03.2024 - 15.03.2024 | Dr. R. Subramanian & Dr. T. Arun | One week training program on "Exploring Computational Chemistry: Applications in Drug Discovery" | Dr. R. Subramanian & Dr. T. Arun | Chemistry |
9 | 13.03.2023 & 16.03.2023 | Dr.R. Subramanian & Dr.R.Logudurai | Sculpt Your Smile | Dr.Jaisimha Raj U , Professor, Department of Dentistry, Dr. J. Asha, Associate Professor, Department of Dentistry, TSRMMCH & RC | Chemistry |
10 | 04.03.2024 - 09.03.2024 | Dr. M. Sivaji, Dr. M. Mary Jansirani, Dr. C. Arun Kumar, Dr. R. Suresh | Exploring Innovation in Mathematical Modelling and its Applications | Dr. K. Palanivel, Dr. V. Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam,Dr. K. Kaliraj, Dr. D. Ezhilmaran, Dr.V. Veeramani, Dr. M. Kamal Kumar, Dr. Kavi Kumar Jacob, Dr. Ranu Pandey | Mathematics |
11 | 01-03-2023 | Dr.R. Subramanian & Dr.R.Logudurai | Fun with Chemistry | Internal Faculty members of Chemistry Department | Chemistry |
12 | 28.02.2024 | Dr.B.Ujwala | Science Day celebrartion | Dr.S.Anandan,Professor, Department of Chemistry, NIT, Tiruchirappalli-15 | Chemistry |
13 | 27.02.2023 | Dr. M. Sivaji, Dr. C. Arun Kumar, Dr.S.Vasantha Gowri | Probability distributions and its Applications | Dr. R. Sudhesh, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Anna University-BIT Campus, Tiruchirapalli. | Mathematics |
14 | 27.02.2023 | Dr. M. Infant Shyam Kumar | One day Seminar on “Interfaces: Electrochemical Aspects and Applications | Dr. K. Giri Babu, Scientist, Electrodics and electrocatalysis division, CSIR- Central Elecctrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi. | Physics |
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SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses