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Journal Publications

  • 2024

    List of Journals Published- SCI/WOS

    • Dr.R.Jagadesh Kannan (2024), A low-cost localization method in autonomous vehicle by applying light detection and ranging technology, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. DoI:

    • Dr.R.Jagadesh Kannan (2024), Auto digitization of aerial images to map generation from UAV feed, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. DoI: 

    • Dr.R.Jagadesh Kannan (2024), A sustainable health and educational goal development(SHEGD) prediction using metaheuristic extreme learning algorithms, Automatika,

    • Dr.R.Jagadesh Kannan (2024), Network intrusion detection system by applying ensemble modelfor smart home, IJECE,

    • 5. Dr. S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2024), Brain tumour segmentation and classification with reconstructed MRI using DCGAN, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. DoI:
    • Dr. S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2024), Deep Learning and Optimized Learning Machine for Brain Tumor Classification, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. DoI:

    • Dr. S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2024), An intellectual caries segmentation and classification using modified optimization-assisted transformer denseUnet++ and ViT-based multiscale residual denseNet with GRU, Signal, Image and Video Processing, DoI:

    • Dr. S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2024), HHECC-AES: A Novel Hybrid Cryptography Scheme for Developing the Secured Wireless Body Area Network Using Heuristic-aided Blockchain Model, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks. DoI: DOI: 10.32908/ahswn.v59.10477.
    • Dr. S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2024), OTRN-DCN: An optimized transformer-based residual network with deep convolutional network for action recognition and multi-object tracking of adaptive segmentation using soccer sports video, International Journal of Wavelets. DoI:
    • Dr.S.Kanaga Suba Raja (2024), State-of-art technologies, challenges, and emerging trends of computer vision in dental images, Computers in Biology and Medicine. DoI:

    • Deebalakshmi Ramalingam, Balaji Ganesh Rajagopal (2024), A Supervised Hybrid DNN for
    • Real-time Intrusion Detection in Firewalls, Journal of Electrical Systems. DoI:
    • Dr.K.Nithya (2024), Hybrid approach of deep feature extraction using BERT– OPCNN & FIAC with customized Bi-LSTM for rumor text classification, Alexandria Engineering Journal. DoI:

    • Dr.V.Senthil Kumar (2024), Optimizing solar power plant ef ciency through advanced analytical framework and comparative analysis, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. DoI:

    • Dr.V.Senthil Kumar (2024), Semantic segmentation based on enhanced gated pyramid network with lightweight attention module, AI Communications. DoI: 10.3233/AIC-220254.

    • Sivakumar Sigamani (2024), SJFO: Sail Jelly Fish Optimization enabled VM
    • migration with DRNN-based prediction for load
    • balancing in cloud computing, Network: Computation in Neural Systems. DoI:

    • Josephine Usha Lawrance (2024), Parallel Fuzzy C Means Clustering Based Big Data
    • Anonymization Using Hadoop MapReduce, Wireless Personal Communications. DoI:

    • Dr.S.Shanmuga Priya, Dr.K.R.Saranya, Dr.L.Josephine Usha (2024), Advanced Waste Seclusion and Chucking System Using Deep Learning Techniques, Journal of Electrical Systems. DoI:

    • Deebalakshmi Ramalingam, Balaji Ganesh Rajagopal (2024), A Supervised Hybrid DNN for Real-time Intrusion Detection in Firewalls, Journal of Electrical Systems. DoI:

    • Dr.S.Shanmuga Priya (2024), Patent Search Classification Model For Service Robots Field Using Deep Learning Approach, International Journal of Robotics and Automation- In Press, DoI: 10.2316/J.2024.206-0935.

    • Dr.T.Siron Anita Susan (2024), Performance evaluation of cuttlefish optimization based contention control in wireless rechargeable sensor network, The Journal of Super Computing. DoI:

    • Dr. S. Senthil Kumar, A Hybrid Framework for improved weighted quantum particle swarm optimization and fast mask recurrent CNN to enhance phising-URL prediction performance, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. DoI:

    • Dr.S.Sivakumar (2024), Air quality index prediction with optimisation enabled deep learning model in IoT application, Environmental Technology. DoI:

    • Dr.K.Nithya, Dr. S.Anbukkarasi (2024), Enhancing Parkinson’s Disease Detection and Diagnosis: A Survey of Integrative Approaches Across Diverse Modalities, IEEE Access,

    List of Scopus Journals Published 

    • Dr. S. Shanmuga priya (2024), Automatic speech emotion recognition using hybrid deep learning techniques, Intelligent systems and applications in engineering. ISSN:2147-6799.
    • Dr. S. Shanmuga priya (2024), Quantum computing-inspired genetic algorithm for network optimization in wsn, Intelligent systems and applications in engineering. ISSN:2147-6799.

    • Dr. K. Kanagalakshmi, Dr. S. Senthil Kumar (2024), Development of Hybrid Cognitive Security Managers on Improved Multilayer CFA Feed Forward Neural Network to Improve the Security on Wireless Networks, International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA), 11(4). DoI: 10.22247/ijcna/2024/18.

    • Dr. S. Prabu (2024), Role of E-CRM in effectiveness of Strategic Marketing Planning for customer Retention: An Empirical Study, African Journal of Biological Sciences (South Africa), 10.33472/AFJBS.6.6.2024.1600-1609. 
  • 2023

    List of Journals Published- SCI/WOS

    • Dr.R.Deebalakshmi (2023), Optimal feature selection for malware detection in cyber physical systems using graph convolutional network, Computers and Electrical Engineering. DoI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2023.108689.

    • Dr.V.Senthil Kumar (2023), Rice leaf disease detection based on bidirectional feature attention pyramid network with YOLOv5 model, Environmental Research Communications. DoI: 10.1088/2515-7620/acdece.

    • Dr. S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2023), Security in wireless body area (WBAN) using block chain, IETE Journal of Research. DoI: 10.1080/03772063.2023.2233472.

    • Dr.Balaji Ganesh (2023), A hybrid Cycle GAN-based Lightweight Road Perception Pipeline for Road Dataset Generation for Urban Mobility, PLoS One. DoI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293978.

    • Dr.P.Shanmuga Sundari (2023), Language Assimilation  and linguistic Diversity in India: Exploring the role of geography and Migration, Migration Letters. DoI: 10.47.59/ml.v20i4.3192.
  • 2022

    List of Journals Published- SCI/WOS

    • Dr.M.Devipriya (2022), Reconfigurable architecture for DNA diffusion technique based medical image encryption, Journal of circuits, systems and computers. DoI: 10.11.42/s0218126623500652.

    • Dr.Balaji Ganesh Rajagopal (2022), A hybrid DNN model for travel time estimation from spatio temporal features, Sustainability. DoI: 10.3390/su142114049.

    • Dr.M.Devipriya (2022), Reconfigurable Architecture for image encryption using three layer artificial neural network, IETE Journal of Research. DoI: 10.1080./037772063.2022.2127940.

    • Dr.Balaji Ganesh Rajagopal (2022), State of art soft computing based simulation models for bearing capacity of pile foundation: a comparative study of hybrid ANNs and conventional models, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. DoI: 10.1007/s40808-022-01637-7.

    • Dr.M.Devipriya (2022), Image Encryption using chaos based heuristic diffusion, SN Computer Science, 10.1007/s42979-022-01582-3.

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